Conoscenza e tutela del patrimonio architettonico moderno e contemporaneo: esperienze a confronto

54 Note 1 I volumi successivi sono Olmo 2013; Olmo 2018; Olmo 2020. 2 Data la vasta bibliografia sull’argomento, si segnalano i principali contributi scientifici: Historic preservation 1982-1990; Jokilehto 1999; Policy and Law 2001; Pickard 2002; Sanz Salla 2009; Stubbs 2009; Stubbs, Makaš 2011; Preservation Education 2014; Stubbs, Thomson 2017. Fa eccezione Glendinning 2013, che nella sua pubblicazione accoglie le sfide del Novecento. 3 Tra i primi si ricorda Ragon 1971-1978. Per un’analisi critica dell’approccio globalizzante: Choay 2009, ed. 2012. Notes 1 The subsequent volumes are Olmo 2013; Olmo 2018; Olmo 2020. 2 Given the vast bibliography on the subject, the following are the main scientific contributions: Historic preservation 1982-1990; Jokilehto 1999; Policy and Law 2001; Pickard 2002; Sanz Salla 2009; Stubbs 2009; Stubbs and Makaš 2011; Preservation Education 2014; Stubbs and Thomson 2017. An exception is Glendinning 2013, who includes in his publication the challenges of the twentieth century. 3 Among the first, mention is made of Ragon 1971-1978. For a critical analysis of the globalizing approach, Choay 2009, ed. 2012. Bibliografia/Bilbiography A critical History 2014 A critical History of Contemporary Architecture (1960-2010), a cura di Elie G. Haddad e David Rifkind, Farnham, Ashgate, 2014. Adam 2012 Robert Adam, The Globalisation of Modern Architecture. The Impact of Politics, Economics and Social Change on Architecture and Urban Design since 1990, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. Al-Assad 2012 Mohammad Al-Assad, Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in the Middle East, Grainesville, University Press of Florida, 2012. Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past 2001 Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past, a cura di Gavin Lucas e Victor Buchli, London-New York, Routledge, 2001. Architectures modernes 2012 Architectures modernes. L’émergence d’un patrimoine, a cura di Maristella Casciato ed Émile d’Orgeix, Wavre, Mardaga, 2012. Botz-Bornstein 2015 Thorsten Botz-Bornstein, Transcultural Architecture. The Limits and Opportunities of Critical Regionalism, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015. Bozdogan 1999 Sibel Bozdogan, Architectural History in Professional Education. Reflections on Postcolonial Challenges to the Modern Survey, «Journal of Architectural Education», LII, 4, 1999, pp. 207-215. Bozdogan 2001 Sibel Bozdogan, Modernism and Nation Building. Turkish Architectural Culture in the Early Republic, Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2001. Choay 2009, ed. 2012 Françoise Choay, Le patrimoine en questions: Anthologie pour un combat, Paris, Seuil, 2012 (ed. orig. 2009). Cohen 2012 Jean-Louis Cohen, The Future of Architecture. Since 1889, London-New York, Phaidon. 2012. Colonial Architecture 2012 Colonial Architecture and Urbanism in Africa. Intertwined and Contested Histories, a cura di Fassil Demissie, Farnham, Ashgate, 2012. Felipe Restrepo Acosta, Edificio Vengoechea, 1938, Bogotà, Colombia, courtesy Giaime Botti.