Three Key Questions on Culture, Cultural Heritage and Climate Change

78 STORM Project Leader: Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Time Duration: 2016 – 2019 Countries Involved: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, United Kingdom Keywords: Built Environment, Data Collection, Digital Transformation, Monitoring of Climate Impacts, Prevention, Protection, Research & Innovation, Risk Management, Technologies Description STORM investigates models and non-invasive methods of survey and diagnosis to predict environmental changes that could damage cultural heritage sites. The project focuses on three areas: Prevention, Intervention & Policies, and Planning & Processes. The project investigates how various vulnerable materials, structures and buildings are affected by different extreme risks associated with climatic conditions, providing adaptation and mitigation strategies through systems and technologies. These investigations were tested in case studies in five countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Portugal, Greece and Turkey). Output The main goal of the STORM project is to create a cooperation platform for collaboratively collecting knowledge, processes and methodologies on effective safeguarding and managing environmental and anthropogenic risks. It provides all European cultural heritage stakeholders facing climate change and natural hazards with critical decision-making tools.